Monday, July 31, 2006

Hell’s Freeze Over

The days of Scorching Pits, Howling Nether Winds, Squealing Victims in the Distant, Pain and Chaos have come to its end. A silence settled down with the ground holding not even the faintest of warmth, no Raging Fires. The river of blood now, parched dry. A soft congestion filled the air almost to comfort. The stalking corners no more held Fear… there was Peace. Hell stood there like a distant dying star.

As destined, the period of Hell has come to an end. Deep within these once fearful realms in a library the Stone Tablet forged in fury’s chisel held these words:

“Hell shall come to pass with the day of the birth of the Twins, who shall vanquish and remove all the stains of our Pristine Glory. We shall fall, for our acts have been answered, fruitful. The twin born to the Star of Sirius will carry the Flame, the Pain, the Rage and Fear of Hell; he shall remain unnamed for he shall betray us. He will be the Black Widow that eats it’s own mother on birth. The twin born to the star Suiris will carry the Vile, the Sorrow, the Fury and Poison of Hell; he will be The Revenant. Praise him all Hell for he shall be our Eternal Durance.” words of Lord Hier Vandelwort Lucifer to his Fiend Generals before the first Holy Wars of Balance.

As per the immoderate seer eyes of Lucifer, the prophecy of Hell’s death was sustained. The Twins were born and have left Hell, dissecting and inheriting its spirit with them, in two equal parts.

SpitFire destined with the stars of Sirius to his birth

Eirune destined with the stars of Suiris to his birth

When all the Colours fade to Grey

My mind was racing insanely. Blazing through my nerves was a long hidden thought that surged itself from one point of my body to another, whispering as it passed. When the slowed time flinched for a fleeting moment into normality, I saw with it’s speed, it had set my whole body gleaming as it passed and then time slowed again. The thought trickled slowly to the veins near my heart, a surge of its whisper gleamed the veins nearby with life. My mind froze-in, still endorsed with its actions… as it crossed to another part in the body.

Then there it was slowly surging over the periphery of my pupil, the grey haze slowly cleared like mist bringing back the red hues of the monstrosity, Elamour, the very Gates of Hell. The undead beast that placed its almost fatal bite on my shoulder grimaced looking at my revival. I had gained an audience of thin slit eyes, once fearful, now with fear. I grew back into stance with a speed greater and fiercer than any Demon around, with my blade gripped so hard, my gnashing teeth and calm cold eyes. The undead beast slowly advanced towards me again seething through its thin rotten lips, as though it missed the last bite of its dinner. Took a pause and suddenly leapt over my head like last time to take another piece of my shoulder, with mouth wider, jump stronger, jaws locked-in harder, but hesitant. Though it didn’t matter, in the flashing second, the beast gracefully fell to the ground with a sickening thud… in two halves.

Death is no more a quadrant of my future; I have passed it at the Gates of Hell. Spat on it and sent it back to it’s granter. The wound on my shoulder healed completely. Mocking the laws of Nature in Hell where all wounds shall remain to beckon you of your failures – Remorse.

When I walked out of Elamour, I left there a silence, no wailing beasts, no moaning undeads and no frantic chase. My sword dripped itself clean leaving no trace of demonic blood on it, as clean as garlic. The demented land seemed to weaken under my feet, it’s fire’s fading, and it’s deep howling now almost a soft painful moan. I had sucked out Fear from Hell itself and contained it within myself.

Hell shook from deep under with the Re-birth. Far beyond these canyons in the deepest corner of the Pits was yet another birth.

Eirune… Eirune… Eirune… The Revenant is born.

Return of SpitFire from the Portal.